QUOINEX Exchange has free & open registrations and has an active affiliate program. QUOINEX Exchange has also mobile App(s) available.
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QUOINEX cryptocurrency exchange was created by an international FinTech company QUIONE. Currently QUIONEX is regulated in JAPAN and the company is based in Singapore, Japan and Vietnam. Currently QUIONEX is an outstanding exchange that supports multiple fiat currencies and have zero fees when withdrawing cryptocurrenccies.
As huge plus we see big experienced team behind the exchange together with a lot of fiat pairs. Cryptocurrencies right now needs more than ever secured exchange with fiat pairs and that's exactly what QUIONEX is. Also we see huge potentional in their internal token called QASH that should interact with their exchanges QUIONEX, QRYPTOS and currently developed world-exchange Liquid+.
Currently the biggest disadvantage of QUIONEX is lack of marketing therefore smaller liquidity (which should change with their incomming Liquid+ solution, slow withdrawals (they manually proceed withdrawals at this moment for security reasons) and user interface should be more beginners-friendly.
QUIONEX is one of the safest cryptocurrencies exchange at this moment and that should be huge plus for everyone that looks for stability and security. Plus multiple fiat withdrawals and deposits making it top notch exchange right now. Also their customer support is getting better each day.
Liquid plus is currently built by FinTech Company Quione that owns exchanges QUIONEX and QRYPTOS. Liquid+ - a global platform that will allow everyone from small traders to institutional market makers to trade cryptocurrencies in their preferred fiat currency (currently QUIONEX already supports multiple fiat pairs). In other words, Liquid+ platform is a combination of the world book and prime brokerage services.
As preferred payment for the services, products & fees will be their utility token called QASH that is currently traded on QRYPTOS & QUIONEX exchanges. You can learn more about QASH here.
Liquid+ is looking to solve very often overlooked problem that is crippling crypto economy right now - Liquidity. Currently, many traders, businesses and companies are facing huge disadvantage based on virtue of the specific fiat currency they're using to trade with or one particular exchange that they're trading on.
In future, it will don't matter if you trade Bitcoin with USD, EUR or Mexican Peso. All this thanks to Liquid+ platform and the company that is behind Liquid+ and QUIONEX.
For your base currency there are no fees involved, for other trading pairs you will be charged 0.25% fees for trading (for ETH pairs there is only 0.1% fee).
0 - 0.25% depends on trading pairsWhen it comes to cryptocurrencies withdrawals from the exchange, QUOINEX pays all blockchain fees that may occur. So you can enjoy free withdrawals for BTC, ETH, BCH and many more. For fiat withdrawals, there are fixed fees that are around 5 USD.
0% for crypto withdrawals, 5 USD for fiat withdrawalsRecommend QUOINEX exchange to your friends and earn 3 QASH each when you successfully invite a friend to sign up to QUIONEX or QRYPTOS exchange.
Your referrals will also receive free 3 QASH tokens when they successfully register to any QUIONE exchange.