Bitsane exchange has free & open registrations and has an active affiliate program.
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Bitsane is decent and professional cryptocurrency exchange where you can trade the most popular and the biggest coins such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum and more. Bitsane at the end of 2017 is getting more and more attractions among a lot of traders, let's see what we like and what don't like about this exchange.
When it comes to pros of Bitsane, then we should mention their quality and professional support, mobily friendly trading, security and the fact that it has strong team behind it plus very clear interface even for beginner traders.
When it comes to the look of the dashboard and site itself, it may seems like old and scammy website and that can turn off a lot of potentional customers -> lowering potentional volume this exchange should get.
Bitsane should be consired not even by beginner traders but also by advanced. This platform has a lot of offers and with their very helpful team, you know that this exchange will not put you down!
Exchange fees on Bitsane cryptocurrency exchange depend if you are Maker or Taker. Maker fees are usually 0.15% and Taker fees are usually 0.25% for every transaction.
Taker fees - 0.25% & Maker fees - 0.15%When it comes to transfering your assets from Bitsane, then there is minimal fee (depends on the volume) 0.0001 BTC right now. See their fees section for more informations.
Min. fees around 0.0001 BTCBitsane cryptocurrency exchange offers to their affiliates generous 20% commissions on all transactions fees generated by your direct referrals. Plus you also recieve rewards for each deposited by your referrals.
PPS (Pay per sale) - Up to 20% per sale.
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