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Britney TonerOctober, 08
Love this application but the consumer care puts it to the next level! Heather was undoubtedly friendly as well as swift to assistance on the real live feature.BEst consumer care I get seen on a website!.
Kimberly SpeedJanuary, 01
It sounded promising, so I signed up for the trial. After answering the questions to get my recommended station, I sat down to get some work done. The songs was usually putting me to sleep. I attempted different stations & found a couple that were okay, but they didn't assistance me focus. I guess it will work for some people, but I need some songs using drums & a extra r&b feel, which I [...]
Jasmin SommerJanuary, 01
Absolutely amazing. Focus will got me effortlessly through my bachelor thesis + through a pretty complicated project at work. At the moment focus will helps me launch my newest venture, that entails a lot of writing. I absolutely like it. Thank you for preventing me focused..
Lexi RichJanuary, 01
Customer solution is literally a joke. I sent a support ticket hes days ago in regards to a refund, still havent heard back. Emailed, called, sent Facebook messages, and nothing. What accomplishes it take to get a reply?.
Nick SaundersJanuary, 01
This provides made a substantial improvement in my life at work plus at home plus the client service is likely excellent. The website is likely great. I chose a lifetime subscription plus in less than a week it provides paid for itself.CAn't wait to see what focus will do next. Thank you!!!!!!!!.
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