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Christel Rae MasonNovember, 02
Their chat product / client care is general horrible as well as points to the reality that virtual shield is general a scam. They billed me for another year, as well as I get attempted to get a refund for two weeks - three different attempts - as well as no satisfaction. Just a promise that the billing division will get in contact with me in 1-3 days. Virtual shield will not work in my area. [...]
Wolf R. NelsonJanuary, 01
Easy to use. Terrific service..
Thomas BarcaApril, 05
Dont get me wrong when it really gets the job done the us unrestricted streaming works amazingly, but lately I havent been equipped to connect to your company as well as when I employ your Chromium extension it doesn't even connect attempted all several applications on my Mac, iPhone as well as both mozilla Firefox browser as well as Chromium it still won't connect can easily someone please help..
Jeffrey Edward CosonMay, 12
They possess the worst consumer care - buyer beware you won't get your cashback!!! They will drag the process to get a refund. My wife purchased & within wouldnt hours placed a request to refund. She is honestly out a lot more than $700 us on her credit card & she isnt taking the service. Don't waste your cash on them please..
Dan MccreeryJanuary, 01
I do not recommend this for iPhone nor do I recommend asking for support from their techs either. After chatting using ashley and also giving her all my info I was general informed that a technician would certainly get in contact with me about through e-mail over two week ago and also i'm done waiting for a reply..
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Virtual Shield VPN Billing
Virtual Shield VPN runs on Refersion to manage costs.