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Maureen Graves AndersonApril, 08
I used it in Portugal + Ghana. It worked as expected - reliable + reasonably fast.IN some rural areas, I accomplished not get cell coverage, but that was definitely to be expected. Also, once when travelling near the border between Ghana + Togo, cell coverage switched to Togo, so running manwouldn'twork. But overall, it was definitely unusually quite easy to use, worked as expected. Ideal [...]
Alan BabbittMarch, 10
Took this specific service provider to Iceland. Under no circumstances once took my cell phone off airplane mode + got first-class connectivity over WIFI virtually everywhere. Express and easy to use, excellent battery life..
Christy SamoyJanuary, 01
Although you can't make direct cell phone calls, it worked using no issue most of the trip..
Amy TsaiSeptember, 08
Very responsive consumer service! I obtained questions regarding receiving my order before a certain date, which is simply earlier than the travel date. They responded within a day and also resolved my concern immediately!.
Jarry QiuJanuary, 01
I rent this for trip to hk, Taiwan, Japan. So excellent network. Recommend!.
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