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A lot of functions are actually limited, that makes this version only for basic testing. It works like unlimited trial version for people that didn't decided yet if they want to go for Email Send Master or not.
You can download it for freeIt comes with all paid functions except email autoresponder and also some statistics are permitted with this version. It works very well for individuals or small companies - most popular plan.
$127 one time feeElite version is for serious internet marketers or estabilished companies that want only the best from their email marketing.
$197 one time feeManage all your email accounts, get statistics. Don't worry it is very easy to start going with Email Send master.
Stay anonymous with professional proxy support. It support all kind of private proxies.
Automatically reply on all incomming messages. It is highly customizable according to your email filters.
Manage your susbcribers with rich reports. So you can avoid sending emails to people that never open your emails or even unsubscribed from your messages.
Recommend Email Send Master to your friends and recieve generous 30% commissions of all sales referred by you. Recommend software that actually works's basically win-win situation.
PPS (Pay per sale) - Up to 50% per sale.
Email Send Master uses WhiteHatBox to handle charges.
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